Thursday 18 November 2010

We have been doing a time line about Jesus's live

jeues life

we have been leaning about jeues and we have done a time line and drooe pictres about him. like when he dies and when he was born people were very sad when he died because he was very speshel to people by Amy

Jesus time line

This week we learnt about Jesus and did a time line it was a lot of fun.

                                                           By Alexander Malone

Jesus' life

We have been learning about Jesus' life

about jesus

 in school we are learnig about jesus and we have been doing time lines and mind maps about him and we have been explainig his life he has crisand someon and cured a man with  a brocken leg even he got met by a devil in the desert


We have leart at school all about jesus.Weve done a mind map and a time line.By William

This week we have done about jesus and his life and bieng put on the cross Jesuss dad is called joseph and he is a carpnter. His mum was called mary.and he told lots of storys to people.Aswell he healed alot of people


we lernt about jesus

jesuses life

We have been learning about jesus.

Thursday 4 November 2010


This yaer we are doing about picther and wich one is your favourites.


this term we are going to learn about art.Yesterday we were looking at pictures and choosing are favaourite pictre.And said why we loved it I chose a picture of a castle in the night and the lights were reflecting on to the water thats why I liked it.

The big journey

Last term we have been learning about The Big Jouney.We were traveling back in time with Doctor Who? also Circuits.

                                  By Henry J

doctore who

we went to see mahamad in the tardist

The big journey

Last half term we learnt about the big journey. We learnt about trains, doctor who and circuts.

                                                          By Alexander Malone

The big picture

This haif term we a learning about The big picture that i think is about jeses in school