Friday 14 June 2013

Starsnappers y4

Y4 have been working with starsnappers to develop poartraits and self-poartraits. We wore hats when we were pretending to be a moviestar. we got turn to be asisstants, camera man and models. We had to take pictures. We had to were difrent coulerful t-shirts from home for example a man.united t-shirt but if you did not have you'r coulerful t-shirt you had to where you'r p.e shirt because you were not allowed to were you'r yellow school t-shirt. The people who were teaching us was called Dan, James and Alex.

Wednesday 22 May 2013


On Tuesday afternoon a man came in with eight i-pads. First of all the man gave an i-pad to each table and afterwards we all lined up ready to go into the hall to take some pictures of objects in there.When we went in the hall we grouped up in pairs to look at differant places around the school also the playground.When we were looking around most of us went into Reception because of their new born baby chick and we were aloud to look at any classroom that was not busy.If we wanted to we had permission to go into the quad.Afterwards the man came back into our classroom followed by the class. He was about to teach us how to get onto this app. that can make your pictures turn into videos, whilst recording your voice.We could make any fantastic videos that we would of liked to make. All of us recorded our voice, made effects to our photographs also mant more thing it wasreally fun.

Thursday 16 May 2013

On Tuesday Mr. Vyas ,came with ipads to take pictures outside of plants,trees also flowers.Afterwards the class came inside and went on an app called diagram which you can either write on or draw. It was really good.We also used the pictures from earlier to make videos that turned into fantastic interesting slideshows. I really enjoyed the slide shows!We will look forward to using the ipads again.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Year 4s ipad project

Last Tuesday we got the chance to use i pads for the afternoon.We went onto google search and then we clicked on google maps. We had to search for different places in the united kingdom.First we searched Blackpool Tower also Blackpool Pleasure Beach.afterwards we searched for London Eye. The view from the ipad was amazing. Before that we decided to search for the Big Ben. The people in my class never expected it to be so fantastic.

Friday 1 March 2013

This week year 4 have been writing a persasive letter to Mr Rayner.

Dear Mr Rayner,
Please will you support me in my campaign, to ask the school govenors for some ipads for my class.

I am a year 4 child in your school, and I have been working very hard in both my school work and this project to support the school. However, my school work can sometimes be a little scruffy, and I try my best to find out lots of interesting facts, but sometimes struggle with ths in school.

I have thought very hard about the solution, to this problem and I think I have the answer ... ipads. Developing learning is at the heart of any schools philosophy and ipads are brilliant for this!

Ipads can be used to research the internet ,take photos, write and support other softwear.Their advantage over computers is that they could be used in a multi-media way.They are very good for children and are very easy to use. Ipads have increased children's understandings and have been proved to increase children's understandings.

Thank you for reading my letter.I look forward to your responce.

                                            Yours sincerely
                                                     Xarea, Freya andYear 4

Wednesday 30 January 2013

About this week and last week

Last week on Monday in maths we were doing the frog problem in the frog problem we had to have a white board and drew  seven circles with a pen. And then get 6 multilink leave the middle blank and the rest with multilink.We had to try and get one of the side of multilink on the other side and get the other side of the multilink on the oppisite side.The two sets of multilink had to be diffrent coulors but in set they have to be same.You can only put one multilink in a blank but if it's two steps away then you can not put it in the blank.

In English last week we were writing play scripts we were doing The Prince and the Pauper.We got a white board and started writing the acts and scenes our target was to put quite a lot of explmation and question marks.Me and Katie put lots and lots of them.The charecters were Tom,Prince Edward,King and lots of servants which you can name.

On Tuesday we were with Miss Wyatt in maths we did angles we learned about were we can find angles in shapes the angles we were working on was Acute angle,Right angle,Obtuse angle and Reflex angle the Acute angle is the smallest angle and is found in a diamond and lots of other shapes.The Right angle is the second smallest angle and is found in squares that can be in diffrent sizes.The Obtuse angle is the second biggest angle it is found in pentagons.The Reflex angle is the biggest angle out of them all it is very hard to find in shapes.

In French we learned about clothes the clothes we learned about was a t shirt a skirt some jeans a blouse a jumper and a dress.The t shirt in French was une t shirtt the skirt was une jup the jeans was une pantalon the blouse was une blousee the jumper was une pull and the dress was une robe.We also played a game which four people went in the cloakroom and we secretly got the paper with the picture of the clothes that we chose of and hid it when they came in they had to guess what we hid if they got it right everyone gave them a big clap if they lost they would still get a clap.

On Wednesday in Math we did problem solving in the problem solving we did a 4 times table test we did a race the winner was Steven he got our silver trophey and he was filled with joy.We also did the frog problem with only 4 pieces of multilink we drew 5 circles on the white board we did the same as with 6 multilink but with only 4 pieces of multilink.

On Thursday we started of doing P.E in P.E we warmed up by running and jogging. We had a really good week and enjoyed everything we did.