Friday 1 March 2013

This week year 4 have been writing a persasive letter to Mr Rayner.

Dear Mr Rayner,
Please will you support me in my campaign, to ask the school govenors for some ipads for my class.

I am a year 4 child in your school, and I have been working very hard in both my school work and this project to support the school. However, my school work can sometimes be a little scruffy, and I try my best to find out lots of interesting facts, but sometimes struggle with ths in school.

I have thought very hard about the solution, to this problem and I think I have the answer ... ipads. Developing learning is at the heart of any schools philosophy and ipads are brilliant for this!

Ipads can be used to research the internet ,take photos, write and support other softwear.Their advantage over computers is that they could be used in a multi-media way.They are very good for children and are very easy to use. Ipads have increased children's understandings and have been proved to increase children's understandings.

Thank you for reading my letter.I look forward to your responce.

                                            Yours sincerely
                                                     Xarea, Freya andYear 4